About Me


My name is Hannah  and I am a Spanish teacher from Wisconsin.  I graduated from the University of Wisconsin- Madison with my Spanish Education degree and began teaching at in the fall of 2012.  I lived in Madrid, Spain for two years: one year while studying abroad and attending the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the second after graduating from college as an English Language Assistant through the Auxiliares program.  I also have my master’s degree in Spanish Linguistics and have received and renewed my National Board Certification in Spanish. 


As a teacher I am always striving to deepen my students’ knowledge of the Spanish language and the variety of cultures influenced by Spanish.  In the last few years I have focused on creating meaningful instruction for my students. I want my students to feel like they can communicate in Spanish, not just memorize verb forms or a vocabulary list.  While I still use those things in my instruction, my ever present question is: “What do I want my students to be able to do with the language?”.  This has meant I focus more on complete sentences or conversation skills in class rather than just memorization.  I’m not sure I will ever stop working towards this goal, but with each passing year I feel like I become better at giving my students a purpose for studying Spanish.


In my free time I love being outside and having adventures hiking, kayaking and traveling as much as possible. While I have traveled extensively in Spain and Europe, my goal is to spend more time in Central and South America in the years to come!