When I became the Spanish Club advisor, I wanted to do something different to celebrate Day of the Dead. My students spent a lot of time learning about Day of the Dead in Spanish 1 and even created digital ofrendas. But for Spanish Club I wanted something unique from what we did in our classes, something that students could create. So I decided to try the sugar skull molds from teacher’s discovery.
Before the meeting, I used the molds with candy melts to make fun colored treats for my students.
I also enlisted the help of my Spanish 5 students to create the sugar skulls with me, so they had time to dry before the actual club meeting. It was a fun way to get my older students involved and it made the process go much more quickly! It took some practice to get the molds to turn out, but once we got going it was so fun!
Finally for the actual meeting, I got tons of decorating options: glitter glue, feathers, sequences, adhesive gems and puffy paint.
The final results were awesome! And the students had so much fun chatting with each other while they decorated their sugar skulls.
I am hoping that I can do something similar in the future, especially since I learned a few things along the way. The first being that you shouldn’t add too much water to the sugar skull mixture because they won’t dry correctly. The second, to recommend to students that they don’t use more glue or paints than they need since it can begin to melt away the sugar skull.
¡Feliz Día de los Muertos!