

My name is Hannah and I am a Spanish teacher from Wisconsin.  I graduated from the University of Wisconsin- Madison in 2011 with my Spanish Education degree and began teaching in the fall of 2012.  I lived in Madrid, Spain for two years: one year while studying abroad and attending the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the second after graduating from college as an English Language Assistant through the Auxiliares program.  In the spring of 2019 I graduated with my master’s degree in Spanish Linguistics from New Mexico State University and in the fall I found out I had achieved my National Board Certification in Spanish. I am in my 8th year teaching and currently teach Spanish 1, 2 and 5.

As 2019 drew to a close and I realized that I had completed the professional goals I had been working so hard towards for the last 3 years, I decided it was time for me to branch out and find other ways to collaborate with other world language teachers.  I had toyed around with the idea of starting a blog for a while and decided that now was the time to take the leap and give it a try. One of the things I appreciated most about working towards my Master’s and National Board Certification was the opportunity to write and reflect on my teaching, so on a personal level, I’m hoping this blog gives me space to write and organize my thoughts.  Beyond that, I’ve received so much support in my career from other amazing teachers and my hope is that through sharing my experiences through this blog I will be able to pay it forward. As we all know, you never stop striving to become a better teacher and I by no means have everything figured out, but I hope my experiences can help someone else in some small way. I would love for this to be a space where everyone feels free to share their ideas so we can all learn from each other!


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